
Mode 1 of Primal Hoop will offer a competitive arcade style basketball game. The gravity on planet Hoop is lower than that of earth and allows the Chibi Dinos to perform incredible feats on the court. The gameplay will include a simple move structure, with the ability to pass, steal, shoot, block, and perform special moves.

The unique environment and way that Chibi Dinos move coupled with the gravity on planet Hoop allows for novel gameplay that will breath fresh air into the genre of arcade basketball.

Players will have their Dinos compete basketball games of 1v1 or in teams of 3, and may have up to 2 Chibi Dinos on their bench. Games of Primal Hoop are either score based or time based with the highest scoring team being awarded the victory.

Playing with a consistent roster of Chibi Dinos will allow you to increase your Team Level. Team Levels range from 0 to 100 and build as you complete games with your roster. These Team Levels offer a progression toward unlocking tokens, GULP potion to replenish benched Chibi Dinos, and occasionally gear.

Team Levels reset at the beginning of each season, and offer your Chibi Dinos an opportunity to grow together as a team and provides incremental performance enhancements as you progress.

The individual IQ of a Chibi Dino will influence the likelihood of a Dino successfully making a play in conjunction with the level of the team. As a Chibi Dino plays the game their stamina bar will reduce, forcing the most used Chibi Dino to slow down and rest. Stats from each game will be written to the blockchain and will follow the Dino around for the remainder of their existence.

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